Hi bloggers, today I try talk abaut difficult topic: Art.
First, I think that art is a big factor for development of a city, for example, the barroco art was important for culture development in Europe. The point is that art has a influence in behaviour of person.
What I love of the art is the visual expresion as in buildings (as gotic style). Have never you think in what is behind of the visual concept? I try feel expression of the artist behind the building or music and who is her meaning in this place and in this city.
If talking abaut art, is imposible don't do mention to Da Vinci, italian men and this person was catapult the art development as medicine, architecture or arts of the war constructing models of body and mock-up of perfect city. Leonardo is a important influence in modern art.
Well from now on you must try feel the real concept in presence of a piece of art for know the reason by which it was realized.